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Ministry of Economic Affairs,R.O.C.

International Trade
International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs

ITA Deputy Director General William Liu attends 2024 APEC Concluding Senior Officials' Meeting (CSOM)

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ITA Deputy Director General William Liu attended the APEC Concluding Senior Officials' Meeting (CSOM) in Lima
ITA Deputy Director General William Liu attended the APEC Concluding Senior Officials' Meeting (CSOM) in Lima, Peru on November 11, 2024. Discussions focused on supporting the multilateral trading system, promoting the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), paperless trade, supply chain connectivity, trade inclusivity and sustainability.

During the "Trade and Investment for Inclusive and Interconnected Growth" session, Deputy Director General Liu emphasized the need to ensure WTO remains an anchor in the dynamic trading environment. He advocated for making continued progress on critical issues within the WTO's agenda to sustain its continued relevance in the international trading system.

Deputy Director General Liu also expressed our support to advance the FTAAP agenda through capacity building, multi-stakeholder engagement, and discussions on emerging issues. Additionally, he highlighted our measures to promote inclusive and sustainable trade practices. These efforts underscore our contributions to APEC.

Update: 2024-11-21