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Ministry of Economic Affairs,R.O.C.

2024-09-11 17:17
International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Postponement of the Preliminary Injury Determination of an Antidumping Case on Portland Cement and Its Clinker from Vietnam

Hits: 64
The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), considering the need to process additional information, and in compliance with Articles 12 and 18 of the Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Imposition of Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties, has decided to postpone to October 7, 2024 the preliminary injury determination of an antidumping case on Portland Cement and its Clinker from Vietnam.

Due to this postponement, all interested parties wishing to summit opinions or materials concerning the antidumping case are invited to send these to us by fax, airmail, or e-mail no later than September 16, 2024.

We will keep all interested parties informed on the progress of the investigation. Additionally, the International Trade Administration (TITA) of MOEA will keep updating the investigation proceedings at its website: https://gov.tw/FJE, in Related Information by Case under Investigation Cases at our website.
Official letter in Chinese
Open Official letter in Chinese.pdf (52.27KB)