The on-board data linkage and application systems are often bespoke to meet with customers’ requirements. As a result, it is also necessary to customzie the ground data linkage and application systems. This project seeks to develop its own intellectual properties in the customization of FIS (flight information service) systems. Meanwhile, this system adopts an open architecture, with the immediate benefits of lower system deployment and maintenance costs. This also enhances the scalability of system functionality. The establishment of an intergrated interface allows authorized users (e.g. maintenance, passenger and transporation services personnel) to enter, edit, and inquiry information on the real-time basis). Examples are information updates, flight scheduling, airplane dispatching, maintenance and repairs). The single information source can boost the operating efficiency of airliners. It is also possible to integrate staff timetables, flight loading and balancing, aviation planning and maintenance scheduling, as a comprehensive tool to support decision making. This project also seeks to constryct the systems specific to customers’ needs and catering to their corporate cultures. The availability of a standard brower interface means that users do not need to install programs or applications. This also saves the troubles in relation to upgrade compatibility.