
Production Index

Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board Dissemination
Bulletin Board
Industrial Production Statistics
  Republic of China The Republic of China
    Contact person
Chin-Yu Lin
Department of Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs
15 Foochow St., Taipei, Republic of China
Phone: 886-2-23217370
Fax: 886-2-23918131
Internet e-mail:cylin2@moea.gov.tw
Dissemination formats   Hardcopy
      ( x ) News release
(    ) Weekly (    )monthly (    ) quarterly bulletin
( x ) Other
      ( x ) On-line country bulletin board or database
(    ) Diskette (    ) CD ROM (    ) Other



The Data: Coverage, Periodicity, and Timeliness
Coverage characteristics Data are disseminated on the Production Index, a Laspeyres index (2021=100) which covers the manufacturing, mining & quarrying, electricity & gas supply and water supply industries.

The index measures the quantities of commodities produced. The data are obtained primarily from the Current Production Statistics Survey which covers 1,595 commodities surveyed each month at establishments and companies in the mining and manufacturing sectors.

The index is calculated from the production weighted by unit  value-added of selected products; the value-added values are obtained from the Factory Registration Update Survey conducted in 2020.

The index is re-based and the weights are revised every 5 years. The data are seasonally adjusted, using the X-13-ARIMA method.
Periodicity Monthly
Timeliness Within 21 to 25 days after the end of the reference month.


Access by the Public
Advance dissemination of release calendar Release dates for the coming 4 months are published on the MOEA internet website (http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/dos_e/content/Content.aspx?menu_id=7021). A recorded phone message at MOEA (886-2-23419943) provides information on release dates.
Simultaneous release to all interested parties The data are released simultaneously to all interested parties by the following:
1.Economic Indicators-Indexes of Industrial Production
2.Yearbook of Industrial Production Statistics
Dissemination of terms and conditions under which official statistics are produced, including ... Confidentiality of individual responses Department of Statistics, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), is responsible for compiling the data for the Indices of Industrial Production.

Most of the monthly basic data concerning the indices have been obtained from the result of Current Survey of Production.

The Statistics Law strictly protects the confidentiality of any information supplied by individuals, judicial persons or groups.
Identification of internal government access to data before release No government officials outside the Department of Statistics, MOEA, have access to the data prior to their release to the public.
Identification of ministerial commentary on the occasion of statistical releases The Director of Department of Statistics, MOEA, provides comments, technical and interpretative, on the data.
Provision of information about revision and advance notice of major changes in methodology The data are preliminary when first released and are revised twice.

(1) A "Preliminary Statistic Newsletter on Industrial Production Monthly", based on initial telephone surveys and received questionnaires, is released on the 23st day of each month (Newsletter is available at http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/dos_e/home/Home.aspx).After formal survey is completed, a detailed "Industrial Production Statistics" is compiled before the 20th day of the next month. Please check our web site at( http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/dos_e/content/ContentLink.aspx?menu_id=9524) for the latest data.

(2) When the revised report for March is published, each index for every month of the previous year is revised to compile the final series. Annual revision is published in the yearly bulletin "Yearbook of Industrial Production Statistics", which contains historic data. The statistical series contained in the current issue of the publication always supersede the ones contained in the previous issues.

The public is informed of major changes in methodology in advance.
Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing statistics A brief description of the methodology and sources is published in the " Yearbook of Industrial Production Statistics ".
Dissemination of ... that support statistical cross-checks and provide assurance of reasonableness The industrial production indices are classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification System of The Republic of China (SICS of ROC) into 2-digit and 4-digit levels.

Some of the data series are available as far back as 1946.

Summary page on observance





Update: 2024-09-25
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