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Department of Investment Review

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The primary missions of the Department of Investment Review, MOEA are to set standards for and examine investments by foreign nationals overseas Chinese in the Republic of China as well as outward investments and technical cooperation by ROC enterprises in foreign countries and mainland China, and to maintain a firm understanding of the movement of industrial capital, all in line with the implementation of the national policy of economic liberalization and internationalization, so as to assure the continued development of the nation's economy and stability of its society. The accompanying graphs detail the Commission's record of performance in its major tasks.

Overseas Chinese and Foreign Investment in the ROC

Approved investment in the ROC by overseas Chinese and foreign nationals from 1952 to the end of 1998 amounted to 10,022 cases with a total value of almost US$32.73 billion.

Outward Investment by ROC Enterprises
From 1952 through the end of 1998 the Department of Investment Review, MOEA  approved 4,652 cases of outward investment with a total investment value of more than US$18.609 billion. The foremost destination for this investment was the United States, followed by Malaysia in second place and Hong Kong in third. In terms of invested industry, banking and insurance was in first place, followed by electronic and electrical appliance manufacturing in second and international trade in third.


Indirect Investment in Mainland China
The government opened up indirect investment in mainland China by citizens of the Republic of China in October 1990; by the end of 1998, the Department of Investment Review, MOEA had approved 21,646 cases of investment there with a total value in excess of US$13.243 billion. Statistics show that the most popular destinations for this investment were, in descending order, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province, and Fujian Province, while the most-invested industries were electronic and electrical appliance manufacturing, food and beverage manufacturing, and plastic product manufacturing.


Hiring of Foreign Nationals
The number of foreign nationals coming to work in Taiwan with approval from the Department of Investment Review, MOEA  had surpassed 38,535 by the end of 1998.


Travel to Taiwan by Mainland Chinese Economic and Trade Personnel
The number of economic and trade personnel from mainland China entering the ROC with the approval of the Department of Investment Review, MOEA  to engage in activities related to inspection, observation, training, and conferences of an economic and trade nature had surpassed 4,000 by the end of 1997.


Introduction of Industrial Technology from Mainland China

As of the end of 1997, the Department of Investment Review, MOEA  had approved a total of 41 cases of the introduction of industrial technology from mainland China and of mainland Chinese technical personnel coming to Taiwan to provide instruction. The main items introduced included installation techniques for heavy engineering machinery, anti-virus biotechnology, polymer chemistry application technology, and environmental engineering technology.


Publication of Periodicals

To provide an understanding of developments regarding foreign investment in Taiwan and Taiwan investment and technical cooperation in foreign countries and mainland China, as well as the operational situation of foreign-invested enterprises in Taiwan and Taiwan-invested enterprises abroad, the Department of Investment Review, MOEA  publishes the following materials on a regular basis for the reference of domestic and foreign agencies, academic institution, industry groups, and individuals:

(1) Monthly and Annual Statistical Reports of overseas Chinese and Foreign Investment in the ROC, Outward Investment and Technical Cooperation from the ROC, and Indirect Investment in Mainland China

(2) Operating Status of Overseas Chinese-and Foreign-invested Enterprises, and Their Contributions to the ROC's Economic Development (Annual Report)

(3) Operating Status of ROC-invested Enterprises Abroad (Annual Report)

(4) Analysis of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Investment in the ROC, and Investment by ROC Companies in Foreign Countries and Mainland China (Annual Report)

These publications are sent to 400 units every year, including 340 domestic units and 60 overseas units.