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Department of Investment Review

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Future Directions

1. Investment-related laws and regulations will be actively reviewed and revised in coordination with the "Plan for Building Taiwan into an Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center" so as to bring them into harmony with the international economic situation.

2. The examination of foreign and overseas Chinese investment in Taiwan, and of outward investment from Taiwan, will be carried out on "free in principle, with deliberation for exceptional cases " lines so as to simplify working procedures.

3. Application procedures for the hiring of foreigners to work in Taiwan will be simplified, and the establishment of a special one-stop agency for this purpose will be promoted with the aim of unifying the issuance of work permits for foreign workers.

4. Restrictions on items and products for investment in mainland China will be relaxed step by step, thereby simplifying application procedures for investment in the mainland.

5. The "Regulations for Approving the Introduction of Industrial Technology from mainland China" will be thoroughly carried out so as to upgrade domestic industrial technology.
6. The encouragement of visit to Taiwan by economic and trade personnel from the mainland for inspection tours, training, and participation in conferences will be continued with the aim of advancing benevolent exchange across the Taiwan Straits.

7. Investment statistical and analytical research will be strengthened so as to gain a firm grasp of information to be supplied to the government for use as a reference in administrative work.

8. Computerized operations will be instituted and a computer network information retrieval system will be established in order to enhance service quality.